The most accurate

Large horizontal exterior surfaces
Large horizontal outdoor areas, such as agricultural fields, land, and wastelands encompass a great quantity of space.
Airborne drones can cover large surface areas efficiently and quickly.
With LiDAR’s scanning, these aerial crafts can accurately measure different topologies in the area.
This technology allows for the calculation of surfaces and volumes of exploitation areas and those of business assets too. It is also capable of determining the topographic levels across operating areas while evidencing the correct positioning of roads, natural elements such as trees and rivers, as well as business assets.
Drone-captured LiDAR data brings precision measurements and understanding of vast spaces.

Large exterior surfaces of buildings
Large exterior surfaces of buildings, such as roofs and construction sites, can now be effectively surveyed with LiDAR and multispectral orthophotography.
Drone technology in particular makes assessing these large surfaces quicker and easier than ever before - up to 10,000m² can be scanned in as little as 20 minutes.
GPS/GNSS surveys are then used to geo-reference the scans, helping to correct any deviations, while also enabling accurate determination of the horizontal orientations of various structures within a complex.
Multispectral orthophotography then builds on this work by providing helpful insights into building materials and the state of wear they may be in, as well as soil types and plant health.
This type of technology is revolutionising our ability to measure external surfaces quickly and efficiently.

Interiors of existing buildings
The interior of existing buildings can now be measured in a fraction of the time, with robots.
Using a process known as LiDAR, it is possible now to measure surfaces and volumes accurately.
With this data, complete As-Built models can be created quickly, with an impressive accuracy.
Work that used to take weeks and months to do can now be done in as fast as 20 minutes for 400m² when using robots. This is the power of our technology when applied to interiors of existing buildings.

Technical assets on vertical supports
Technical assets such as masts, pylons, and chimneys are often difficult to effectively measure due to their height.
While traditional methods of measurement may be accurate, the time required for field surveys can be extensive. By utilizing drones equipped with LiDAR technology, it is possible to measure up to 750 m3 in 20 minutes by providing a more efficient way of collecting exterior volumetric data from vertical supports.
Geo-referencing ensures that deviations in measurements are corrected with GPS/GNSS surveys and any horizontal orientations such as antenna azimuths can then be calculated within a north aligned map using GIS systems like WGS84.
This makes it possible to obtain an As-Built model which accurately represents the technical asset.

Confined underground spaces
Linear underground technical assets such as tunnels, mines, basements, undergroud cavities, silos and chemney, pose unique challenges when it comes to mapping, surveying and inspecting them.
Traditional methods require significant time investment and resources for small tunnels, mines and underground cavities. However, our technology has made it possible to survey linear underground technical assets up to 1 kilometer in just 20 minutes with minimal human presence.
This is made even more accurate and efficient by using GPS/GNSS readings to georeference the scans inside the tunnel and correct any measurement deviations at each entrance and exit point.

Outdoor linear surfaces
Linear surface engineering has revolutionized the way our infrastructure system is surveilled and maintained.
By using flying drones equipped with LiDAR technology, our engineers can accurately measure up to 1 kilometer in just 20 minutes of outdoor flight, allowing for quick and precise scans of things like rails, roads, bridges, high-voltage power lines, and pipelines.
This data helps create highly detailed As-Built models and enables structural verification of the linear infrastructure assets.
With this technology, our engineers now have an invaluable tool that allow us to monitor our systems more thoroughly than ever before.
From robotic 3D scan acquisition
to 3D plans reconstruction
What we achieved for our clients
Thanks to
Robust process for
accurate data
From this initial analysis, it's possible to craft a Concept of Operation and risk assessment matrix that will guide the mission.
Based on this assessment, the teams will be prepared for non-standard operational events and will be in capacity to anticipate non-normal circumstances that may lead to potential accidents or events.

The specific constrained ConOps resulting for the previous analysis is toroughly applied on the robotic platform and sensors specific to the mission, personnel and safety guidance, and to the site itself.
A pilot is always present and prepared for any kind of unusual circumstance that might arise during the mission, and trained to find reliable processes as quickly as possible, as described in the Concept of Operations.
By cleaning and simplifying scans, as well as classifying them for inventory management, it is possible to accurately assess each asset as-built at any given moment.
Data processing makes it possible to extract measures and business points of interest to gain further insight into the as-built drawings, allowing further optimization opportunities.
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better services